2 Mar, 2024
Second post, wow! For a second post I was planning to write a bit about my small bike retreat, but I already reached two pages full of bad English, so it must rest for a while. Like a wine or cheese or something. You get the idea.
Let's start!
The Ingenious Grooves in Chocolate Bars - I just love reading about the science behind everyday objects. This time is chocolate and its engineered weakness.
If you're like me, then I strongly recommend taking a moment to read about baby strollers. You would be amazed how clever solutions they utilize.
Ok, that's enough.
I bet you heard this joke that whene someon trains Crossfit, this is the first thing they're going to tell you. You might have heard that people training CrossFit are more prone to injuries than other sportsy folks (which ones?). I was also telling that, but I decided to educate myself in order to conduct a proper discussion regarding this topic.
I wanted to conduct a short analysis in Ben Carpenter's style (I cannot recommend this guy enough), but I'm not smart or confident (or both enough). All I can say is that despite obvious shortcomings like underreportage of injuries, lack of clear definition of what injury is and not researched enough gender differences, CrossFit itself is not more injury-prone than other sports. Higher injury risk at the beginning (and then while going pro, but come on, going pro almost always means that you're going to get hurt) is rather connected with camaderie (as one of these studies elegantly describes), lack of experience (CrossFit consists of complex movements with weights. Bench pressing also requires skill, but a different one). There's a suggestion that supervision also helps.
Supervision is fucking important. Even if you think you're experienced enough. You don't have to employ a personal trainer (although I recommend that when you want to start your adventure with a gym). Just share your workouts, small ones also. Your buddy might notice something you wouldn't.
There's no shame in taking care of your wellbeing and health.
Akademia Propagandy - za każdym razem, jak to czytam, to mój mózg się wyłącza. To jest dla mnie niesamowite, jak bardzo otwartym tekstem ta propaganda jest prezentowana.
Shoshies minis - there are few women in miniatures world. Female miniatures are... Well, it's not a lot of them and they have boobs all around them. Guys are overriped, but usually their anatomy is better (and generally speaking, sculpt is of better quality). Shoshie wants to give you something else - dad bods (look at this cute ork with a cat!), fun men in not stereotypical roles. She also wants to tell the world there are awesome women doing awesome things in the miniature world.
Dear Poles, if you want to buy something there, fear not of the tax - Shoshie has a distribution point in Poland.
Arcus Professional Colors - women-owned Philippines-based miniature paints company. Do I have to tell you anything else? I've heard these paints are better than Kimera's.
I would love to order them if I weren't burnt out in terms of miniature painting.
Content warning** breastfeeding issues, lack of food, infant feeding.
It's not a fun fact if it consists of content warning.
If you have nice idea how to mark some parts of Markdown document in accessible way, I'm more than happy to hear them. A simple button with some JavaScript involved? I'm probably missing something easy to implement.
Put your mouse cursor just beneath this sentence to uncover hidden part.
People resorted to nut milk and broth for example.
First formula made its appereance in 1846, but it still had a long way to go to formula we have today. Check A history of Infant Feeding for more information.